Sunday, August 16, 2015

Church and the Weekend

Today Abby and I were able to make it to church.  This was definitely a highlight for us!  We were very thankful for Pastor Bram who picked us up at 7:45.  We were just a few of the many people he picked up this morning before church.  Since church started a little after 9, we had a little extra time to spend reading the Bible and looking around the church.  We helped turn on the fans and positioned ourselves in a spot where we would be able to enjoy those fans during the service.

Church is a bit different here.  While the service started a little after 9, people trickled in from the start until part way through the sermon.  Another difference is the music.  At Trinity they have a band that plays all the music.  This morning the band consisted of guitar, flute, percussion, and steel pan (at least I think that's what its called).  Tassia and Evodia from MLC were in church this morning so we were able to see and talk with them for a little bit before they head back to school this week.  It's always nice to see familiar faces! I took some pictures of the church and you will find them at the bottom of this post.

The people at Trinity were very welcoming to us and we are slowly learning names and trying our best to remember them! :)  This morning was the 2nd time we were able to see some of the people from church, since we saw some of them on Friday night at the children's play that some of the children from church put on.

The play on Friday night was very fun for us to watch.  It gave us a taste of the St. Lucian culture.  Pastor Bram drove us there and back (again we were just one of many people he dropped off).  Pastor Bram got a flat tire on the way back so we got back pretty late from the play.  We are thankful though that we were at a member's house though and that Pastor knew how to change a flat!

As for yesterday, we made it to the market and later at night headed to the Marina for a drink.  We left while it was still light out so we were able to walk to the Marina, but by the time we left it was dark so we took our first bus ride back to our road. We've been told it's not safe for us to walk back at night. Because Tanya, Abby, and I are all white, we draw lots of attention, particularly from males.  We've gotten good at ignoring their comments, saying no, and walking away.
Our Street, Rodney Crescent 

Trinity's playground for the Preschool

Rows of chairs with many fans to help keep people cool face the engraved altar.

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