Sunday, January 24, 2016

International Week

This week was a crazy week.  I had to be up extra early to open the school.  I had to lead assembly on Tuesday for the preprimary children.  It was International week at school so we had parents coming in to give presentations, as well as a food taste test on our halfday on Friday.  While seemingly crazy, it was still a really good week. 
            Monday morning started off bright and early (well maybe not so bright).  It’s been raining here in the mornings which makes it a lot harder to get up.  It was my week to open the school so every morning I had to go unlock the classrooms on Campus A at 7.  While this doesn’t seem that early, it really makes me realize what a half an hour of sleep can do to you.  Monday after school I was able to Skype and call some family.  Monday night Tanya and I made a delicious hamburger helper type meal.  We decided that we like cooking with minced beef over ground beef.
            On Tuesday I had to lead assembly on my campus.  This was a first for me which made me really nervous.  Assembly on the other campus is a lot longer and bigger of a deal, so I shouldn’t have been freaking out, but I was.  During assembly the students gather together to listen to a themed message.  The theme for this week was taking care of mother earth so I came up with a short mini lesson for the preprimary children.   In the end it all went fine, but man is it a relief to be done with that!  The rest of Tuesday was a normal day with the exception of a parent presentation on Jamaica.  The children got to learn a few Jamaican songs which was really fun for them!  After school I watched bachelor and that night I walked to the beach with Rhett.  It was the first time I have ever been to the beach at night and I had a good time watching the waves roll in and catching up with Rhett. 
            Wednesday was quite the day with more presentations to listen to.  My students got to learn about Guyana and Libya.  It’s fun to learn about the countries in which my students were born in (or their parents were born in).  Wednesday night Rhett invited me to see Revenant with him.  The movie had a bit too much blood for my liking, but other than that was not too bad.  Rhett leaves next week so I’m happy I’ve been able to spend some time with him before he starts his new job. 
            Thursday was another day filled with presentations from Cambodia and Venezuela and Jamaica.  It was also the day our class was in charge of putting up Mr. Fluffy Float.  Let me explain.  Everyone knows the story of the gingerbread man who jumped out the pan and ran away.  Well for International week we spun that story to be about Mr. Fluffy Float.  Mr. Fluffy Float jumped out of the frying pan and appeared around the world.  Each class was in charge of a day and they made posters about Fluffy and the country he was spotted in (a country that was represented in their class).  While this seemed really simple in the beginning, it turned into a big deal and the creativity was amazing!  I will post a picture below. 
            On Friday to conclude international week there was a short program and food sampling at school.  The students showed up to school in their national colors or dress.  I of course represented the United States by wearing some red, white, and, blue.  Around 11 we had a food sampling in our room and afterwards parents were invited to bring their students downstairs to enjoy the rest of the food sampling with the students.  Parents from all different countries brought in their ethnic dishes and it was really fun to be able to try a bunch of different food.  I was so happy we kept Reception upstairs and away from the craziness downstairs.  There is no way we would have been able to keep track of 29 students downstairs with the rest of the students and a bunch of parents walking around as well.
            Friday was a half day and we were supposed to have a staff sports day after the food fair, but everyone was so exhausted that the staff social was cancelled.  Instead we headed home to clean the house and run to the supermarket to get food for dinner.  Friday night concluded with a delicious dinner that Rhett came over and made for my roommates and I.  Stewed chicken, rice, potatoes, and beans.  So tasty!  We all decided that instead of having Rhett leave for the cruise ship that he’d just have to stay and cook for us every night.  We even offered to pay him, but he didn’t quite think that was a great idea.  I guess he’s right. 
            Saturday was a lazy day and I was finally able to sleep in.  I enjoyed the usual pancakes for breakfast and watched Bethlehem’s sermon from the previous week with Abby.  Afterwards I skyped Megan Rabbers.  We had planned to go to the beach but after a little bit of rain, we decided to go to the mall and get a smoothie from Felly Belly on the way back.  The rest of the day was full of relaxing.  I started doing yoga and am hoping that I like it.  Tanya has done it and Abby started not too long ago so I decided to give it a try, after all, a family that does yoga together stays together or so we say.  Now all we need is Tanya to say yes to a second year! J
            Today included church, a walk to the supermarket, skyping Megan Bramstedt and Alexis, pizza/movie night at Pastor and Jen’s, and making Rice Krispy bars.  It was again another relaxing day, but much needed.  I am hoping that I will be rejuvenated and ready for another week of school starting tomorrow.  It’ll be nice to hopefully get back to a normal week of school.

Some of my students with our presenter from Libya. 

Food Sampling

Tables and tables of ethnic dishes 

The chicken was so good.  Thanks Rhett!

A student and I wearing our national clothes.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Last week with Kelsey

         This week did not start off very exciting (minus the fact that Kelsey is here which is exciting).  Monday was a typical day at school, followed by a trip to the grocery store and bank.  On the way to the bank I tripped around the same place as Kelsey did and busted my toe.  While it did hurt, it was quite comical to think that just 2 days earlier Kelsey had done the same thing.  Since we were in town and Kelsey was with us we tried out Elena’s ice cream.  It was a nice treat after a long Monday of school.
            Tuesday was a bit different for me at school.  Najma has started teaching a few lessons here and there for me, as she needs to get some practice teaching in, so I had a little more time on my hands.  This was helpful as I was able to go watch Assembly on my campus for the first time.  Next week I am in charge of assembly on this campus so I am happy I was able to observe what I am supposed to do.  Tuesday afternoon Kelsey and I went on a walk around the neighborhood.  I wanted to get her opinion on our hills to see how they compared to UW Eau Claire’s hill.  Her conclusion is that ours is definitely steeper, but Eau Clair’s is longer.  We finished off the night relaxing and watching Bachelor. 
            Wednesday was a normal day at school followed by piano lessons.  Casey came early and gave Kelsey a guitar lesson.  Pretty sure she will be better than me in no time!  On Thursday I had a meeting after school in which I had to teach a lesson on time to the teachers.  It was something that I stressed over for awhile, but in the end it turned out fine.  The meeting went a lot shorter than expected and I was able to get home and spend some time with Kels.  We played a few rounds of double solitaire and watched a movie before heading to bed.
            Friday, Kelsey came to school for the day and my students loved having her around, as did Najma and I.  Kelsey helped a bunch on Friday, including preparing a bunch of materials for next week.  She was a big help and while I know Najma and I will miss having her around, our students will also miss her.  The days she did not come to school, they were asking where Miss Kelsey was.  Friday after school we left and headed to the mall for one last trip to the bank and Felly Belly (Kelsey’s request).  Later on that night Mr. Erik picked us up and we all headed to CIA.  It was so nice to be back with our church friends.  I’m glad Kelsey was able to see what CIA is like. 
            Saturday morning we left early for our boat cruise.  I think it’s safe to say that this was Kelsey’s favorite part of visiting.  Our boat tour went down to Soufriere where we were able to do a variety of activities.  The weather started off really cold and rainy and I was glad I had my jacket and sarong to stay warm.  Who would have thought we’d think 80 and rainy was cold?  Despite the weather, which went between rain and sun all day, we enjoyed our time.  Kelsey stood under a waterfall, which the rest of us girls skipped out on.  We then went to Sulfur Springs and took a mud bath, headed to a plantation and went zip-lining which was followed up by lunch, and then headed back on the boat for snorkeling on the way back.  It was a packed day, but we all enjoyed it! 
            Today was church and we left right afterwards so that Kelsey could get back in time for her ride to the airport.  I’m hoping all goes nice and smooth for her!  After Kelsey left I spend the afternoon running to the grocery store, cleaning my room, making brownies, and working on stuff for school.  I open this week so it will be a lot of early mornings coming up! 

            Randoms from the week:
1.       I never realized how much doves sound like owls.
2.      Felly Belly really is delicious.  It may be my Caribou Coffee in the Caribbean.
3.      We got the local price for zip lining!  So much cheaper than what everyone else pays!

4.      I don’t want Kelsey to go! 

So gorgeous from the water

Loving Marigot Bay! 

Safe travels Kelsey. Miss you already!

It was a bit cold to start out with.

Boat Cruise!

Kels and I with the Pitons

Zip-lining with some of my favorite girls!


Monday, January 11, 2016

Back to Life in St. Lucia

I am so thankful that I was able to go back home over Christmas break.  The best part was seeing all my family and most of my friends!  I was able to make it back to MLC and see some friends there, as well as surprise Erin at her basketball game.  Some other special events also occurred, including 2 weddings.  Erin and Ryan got married my first week back.  I was a bridesmaid in their wedding and was so happy to be able to be there for their special day, even if it included freezing as we took pictures outside!  I was blessed to be able to be home for Christmas where I was able to see both sides of the family.  Christmas day was spent with the Haberkorn side of the family and we left early the next morning for Kowitz Christmas in Manitowoc.  While in Manitowoc I was also able to meet up with Megan and Luke and Liz and Jesse.  It was weird saying bye to them knowing that the next time I see Megan she will have a baby and the next time I see Liz, she will most likely be in a wedding dress.  I enjoyed ice skating and sledding and was very excited to enjoy some snow for a couple weeks.  My final night was spent at Alexis and Nathan’s wedding.  I can’t believe 2 more of my close friends are married!  I guess that means I'm getting older.  While I did enjoy the snow, I am happy to be in the warm weather of St. Lucia.  Ah so good to be back! 

Packer party while in Manitowoc.
Family time at Erin's wedding!
Alexis and Nathan are also married! Congrats you two!

Alexander and I love Grandma's pancakes!

Ice Skating with the girls!
Sunday started off with an early morning flight back to St. Lucia.  My flight left at 5 A.M. so after about an hour and a half of sleep, I headed to the airport with Kelsey for our flight back to St. Lucia.  It was so nice to arrive back on the island and feel at home.  Pastor Bram picked us up and brought us back to Gros Islet from the airport.  After catching up with Tanya, eating mac and cheese and unpacking, Abby, Kelsey and I headed to Pastor Bram’s to watch the Packer game with bunch of other people form church.  It was so nice to see them all again, even if I was a bit tired!

On Monday we had one more day off before the official start of school.  Abby and I went into school for a couple hours and then decided we needed the beach.  It felt so good to finally be back on our beach, even if it was super busy and packed with tourists!  Kelsey also got to experience the grocery store which she found quite fascinating I think. The greatest excitement that came was on our way back from the beach when Kelsey stubbed her toe.  You should have seen all the blood!  With a team effort we got a hold of some tissues and water and were able to wrap up her toe until we got home.  Don’t worry its all healed now!

On Tuesday school started and it was so nice to be able to see my students again.  It rained most of the day which made it quite long.  Thank goodness I brought back some play dough for my students to use when we have to stay indoor! Kelsey came over to school during the second outdoor time and ended up locking herself out of our house for 2 hours.  Whoops!  Needless to say, I think she was quite excited to see Abby come back after school.  Tuesday afternoon we ran to the grocery store again and on Tuesday night Kelsey and I watched the new episode of the Bachelor.  Yes, I will still keep up with that show while living here!

Wednesday morning Kelsey came to school with me and was able to experience assembly.  She also helped fix my books in the classroom which I am very thankful for!  Kelsey did not lock herself out of the house, so she used her extra time before school was over and made us a casserole for supper.  It was pretty tasty and nice that we didn’t have to cook! That afternoon we walked to the Marina and later on that night was drafting for the Bachelor which I do every year with Erin and Ryan.  I think I have a pretty good chance of winning this year!  Fantasy Bachelor here we go!

Thursday was another long day which included a staff meeting after school.  I was thankful that Kelsey was able to spend a bit of time with Bailey.  We finished off the night with a lame movie. 

On Friday Kels came to school and we put her to work.  She’s been a big help in the classroom!  Kelsey left at lunch so she could hang out with Bailey.  After I got home from school, I spent an hour or so cleaning the house.  It’s amazing how fast things get dirty when there is more than one person around!  Abby and I then met Bailey and Kelsey at the beach.  The waves were huge! I don’t think I’ve ever seen them that big!  We enjoyed our usual French fry Fridays at Spinnakers and met Tom Hunter, my professor from MLC, and his wife, Lisa, at Coco Palm for a late dinner.  It was nice to catch up with them and we enjoyed some really good food!  Kelsey got to experience her first bus ride on the way home and then we headed to bed.  I was exhausted!

On Saturday we had a lazy morning filled with the usual pancakes and listening to Bethlehem’s sermon from last week.  It was nice to have Abby and Kelsey around to listen with.  We headed to the beach in the afternoon and came back in time to quick shower and change for dinner at Landwehrs.  Tom Hunter and his wife were there are well and we were able to talk with them a bit more.  We finished off the night at Bailey’s house singing obnoxiously for her birthday.

           Sunday I would say was by far our busiest day.  We went to church in the morning and on the way home Bailey was gracious enough to let us stop at Mega J's.  We really needed a few items in bulk.  After eating lunch which consisted of hashbrowns, Kelsey, Abby and I walked to the bank, a hardware store (which wasn't open), and then enjoyed Felly Belly on the way back.  It only took me 4 months and my sister visiting to try this awesome smoothie place!  

           In general my first week back went well.  I will say though that I’ve been a lame sister and have been going to bed between 9-10 every night.  Hopefully I can be a bit more exciting this coming week before Kelsey leaves!  

Loving Felly Belly!

So happy to have her here with me in St. Lucia. 

Loving beach life!