Monday, January 11, 2016

Back to Life in St. Lucia

I am so thankful that I was able to go back home over Christmas break.  The best part was seeing all my family and most of my friends!  I was able to make it back to MLC and see some friends there, as well as surprise Erin at her basketball game.  Some other special events also occurred, including 2 weddings.  Erin and Ryan got married my first week back.  I was a bridesmaid in their wedding and was so happy to be able to be there for their special day, even if it included freezing as we took pictures outside!  I was blessed to be able to be home for Christmas where I was able to see both sides of the family.  Christmas day was spent with the Haberkorn side of the family and we left early the next morning for Kowitz Christmas in Manitowoc.  While in Manitowoc I was also able to meet up with Megan and Luke and Liz and Jesse.  It was weird saying bye to them knowing that the next time I see Megan she will have a baby and the next time I see Liz, she will most likely be in a wedding dress.  I enjoyed ice skating and sledding and was very excited to enjoy some snow for a couple weeks.  My final night was spent at Alexis and Nathan’s wedding.  I can’t believe 2 more of my close friends are married!  I guess that means I'm getting older.  While I did enjoy the snow, I am happy to be in the warm weather of St. Lucia.  Ah so good to be back! 

Packer party while in Manitowoc.
Family time at Erin's wedding!
Alexis and Nathan are also married! Congrats you two!

Alexander and I love Grandma's pancakes!

Ice Skating with the girls!
Sunday started off with an early morning flight back to St. Lucia.  My flight left at 5 A.M. so after about an hour and a half of sleep, I headed to the airport with Kelsey for our flight back to St. Lucia.  It was so nice to arrive back on the island and feel at home.  Pastor Bram picked us up and brought us back to Gros Islet from the airport.  After catching up with Tanya, eating mac and cheese and unpacking, Abby, Kelsey and I headed to Pastor Bram’s to watch the Packer game with bunch of other people form church.  It was so nice to see them all again, even if I was a bit tired!

On Monday we had one more day off before the official start of school.  Abby and I went into school for a couple hours and then decided we needed the beach.  It felt so good to finally be back on our beach, even if it was super busy and packed with tourists!  Kelsey also got to experience the grocery store which she found quite fascinating I think. The greatest excitement that came was on our way back from the beach when Kelsey stubbed her toe.  You should have seen all the blood!  With a team effort we got a hold of some tissues and water and were able to wrap up her toe until we got home.  Don’t worry its all healed now!

On Tuesday school started and it was so nice to be able to see my students again.  It rained most of the day which made it quite long.  Thank goodness I brought back some play dough for my students to use when we have to stay indoor! Kelsey came over to school during the second outdoor time and ended up locking herself out of our house for 2 hours.  Whoops!  Needless to say, I think she was quite excited to see Abby come back after school.  Tuesday afternoon we ran to the grocery store again and on Tuesday night Kelsey and I watched the new episode of the Bachelor.  Yes, I will still keep up with that show while living here!

Wednesday morning Kelsey came to school with me and was able to experience assembly.  She also helped fix my books in the classroom which I am very thankful for!  Kelsey did not lock herself out of the house, so she used her extra time before school was over and made us a casserole for supper.  It was pretty tasty and nice that we didn’t have to cook! That afternoon we walked to the Marina and later on that night was drafting for the Bachelor which I do every year with Erin and Ryan.  I think I have a pretty good chance of winning this year!  Fantasy Bachelor here we go!

Thursday was another long day which included a staff meeting after school.  I was thankful that Kelsey was able to spend a bit of time with Bailey.  We finished off the night with a lame movie. 

On Friday Kels came to school and we put her to work.  She’s been a big help in the classroom!  Kelsey left at lunch so she could hang out with Bailey.  After I got home from school, I spent an hour or so cleaning the house.  It’s amazing how fast things get dirty when there is more than one person around!  Abby and I then met Bailey and Kelsey at the beach.  The waves were huge! I don’t think I’ve ever seen them that big!  We enjoyed our usual French fry Fridays at Spinnakers and met Tom Hunter, my professor from MLC, and his wife, Lisa, at Coco Palm for a late dinner.  It was nice to catch up with them and we enjoyed some really good food!  Kelsey got to experience her first bus ride on the way home and then we headed to bed.  I was exhausted!

On Saturday we had a lazy morning filled with the usual pancakes and listening to Bethlehem’s sermon from last week.  It was nice to have Abby and Kelsey around to listen with.  We headed to the beach in the afternoon and came back in time to quick shower and change for dinner at Landwehrs.  Tom Hunter and his wife were there are well and we were able to talk with them a bit more.  We finished off the night at Bailey’s house singing obnoxiously for her birthday.

           Sunday I would say was by far our busiest day.  We went to church in the morning and on the way home Bailey was gracious enough to let us stop at Mega J's.  We really needed a few items in bulk.  After eating lunch which consisted of hashbrowns, Kelsey, Abby and I walked to the bank, a hardware store (which wasn't open), and then enjoyed Felly Belly on the way back.  It only took me 4 months and my sister visiting to try this awesome smoothie place!  

           In general my first week back went well.  I will say though that I’ve been a lame sister and have been going to bed between 9-10 every night.  Hopefully I can be a bit more exciting this coming week before Kelsey leaves!  

Loving Felly Belly!

So happy to have her here with me in St. Lucia. 

Loving beach life!

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